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Rubia is a soft material with a distinct feature of thickness. Rubia is made of rubia yarn, a firm fabric which makes it quite a weighty material when used for turban fabric.
Rubia Voile
Rubia voile is a soft fabric, usually made of 100% cotton and a mix of voile yarn and rubia yarn. Although less known to people used, the composition of the fabric makes it a light and durable fabric for turbans and damalas. Due to its unique blend it is also more durable and long lasting than other lighter materials such as full voile and mal mal.
Full Voile
Full Voile is a soft, sheer fabric, usually made of 100% cotton or cotton blended with linen. The material has a light-weight and semi transparent finish. It is often used in soft furnishing due to it’s light texture and soft feel. Full voile material is considered as the most preferred fabric for turbans worn by Sikhs
Half Voil (Supreme Voil)
This is a special 100% cotton yarn blend developed for easy wearing turbans. It is lighter than full voil but heavier than malmal. Half voil is specially best quality fabric for damalas.
F74 (Mal Mal)
F74, also known as mal mal is the thinnest of fabrics for turbans tied by Sikhs. The lightweight material is composed of 100% cotton with 2x2 high twisted yarns. F74 is one of the most preferred fabrics for dumalla style turbans, as it is extremely thin, which makes it efficient to wear when tied with lots of layers. It also proves an efficient cloth to wear in the summer, especially in India when temperatures can reach a soaring 50 degrees centigrade.